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Who is an Accounts Receivable Manager?

Who is an Accounts Receivable Manager?

Accounts Receivable Manager Definition

An accounts receivable (AR) manager plays a crucial role in a business organization by overseeing the payments customers owe the company for goods or services they have received.

The AR manager oversees the collections team that keeps track of these payments, sends out bills to customers, makes sure the company gets paid on time, and deals with any issues related to these payments. They play a crucial role in keeping the company’s finances healthy by ensuring that there is a steady cash flow coming in, which is vital for the company to pay its bills and invest in growth opportunities.

Role of Accounts Receivable Manager

In B2B (Business-to-Business) finance, the role of an accounts receivable manager takes on added complexity and significance because of transactions, which often involve larger sums of money and more intricate payment terms compared to direct consumer sales. The AR manager is critical in ensuring the financial health and cash flow stability of a company by managing the credit that the company extends to other businesses.

Key Responsibilities of Accounts Receivable Manager

  • Invoice Management: Generating accurate and timely invoices for goods or services provided to other businesses.
  • Credit Checks: As part of credit management, the accounts receivable manager’s job description includes assessing and setting credit terms for new and existing customers, including conducting credit checks and determining credit limits to manage risk.
  • Payment Collection: The AR manager ensures the timely receipt of payments by monitoring accounts receivable balances and following up with customers on the outstanding invoice.
  • Dispute Resolution: Handling any disputes or discrepancies that arise with an invoice or payment, working closely with customers and internal teams to resolve issues promptly.
  • Cash Flow Management: Forecasting and reporting on cash flow related to accounts receivable, to support financial planning and decision-making.
  • Customer Relationships: Maintaining strong relationships with customer accounts departments to facilitate smooth transactions and negotiations.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Ensuring that all accounts receivable activities comply with relevant laws and regulations, and preparing financial reports related to accounts receivable for management.
  • Team Leadership: Leading and managing the accounts receivable team, including training, performance monitoring, and workflow optimization to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

Who Does the Accounts Receivable Manager Report To?

An accounts receivable manager reports to a higher-level finance or accounting position within a company. This could be the Controller, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), or the Finance Director, depending on the organization’s size and structure.  In smaller companies, they report directly to the CFO or the company owner if the finance department is less segmented. In larger organizations with more defined layers of management, they report to the Controller or Finance Director, who then reports to the CFO. 

The person they report to oversees the company’s financial operations, including the management of revenues, expenses, and investment strategies, ensuring that the Accounts Receivable Manager’s activities align with the overall financial goals and policies of the organization.

Accounts Receivable Manager vs. Finance Manager

An accounts receivable manager focuses on managing and collecting payments owed by customers, and a finance manager oversees a broader range of financial operations, including, but not limited to, accounts receivable, aiming to improve the company’s overall financial health and strategic positioning. Here are the key differences in their roles and responsibilities:

Scope of Responsibilities:

  • Accounts Receivable Manager: The AR Manager specializes and centers on managing the company's accounts receivable, which involves overseeing the money owed to the company by its customers. Their responsibilities include issuing accurate invoices and timely payments, managing customer credit evaluations, overseeing collections processes, and maintaining accurate records of all transactions related to accounts receivable.
  • Finance Manager: The Finance Manager has a broader role that encompasses a wide range of financial activities beyond accounts receivable. This includes budgeting, forecasting, managing the company’s finances, analyzing financial performance, making recommendations for improvement, and possibly overseeing investments and capital structure decisions. A Finance Manager is involved in strategic planning and often works on optimizing the company’s financial performance across all areas, not just receivables.


  • Accounts Receivable Manager: The primary focus is ensuring effective receivable management through timely collection. The AR manager focuses on liquidity related to sales revenue, specifically converting sales on credit into cash. This role is crucial for maintaining healthy cash flow through efficient credit and collections management.
  • Finance Manager: Focuses on the company’s overall financial health and growth. This includes managing risks, strategizing for financial efficiency and growth, and ensuring the company meets its financial goals and obligations. They deal with a broader range of financial instruments and strategies, including investments, cost reduction, and revenue optimization across the company.

Reporting and Collaboration:

  • Accounts Receivable Manager: The AR manager reports to a Finance Manager, Controller, or CFO and collaborates closely with the sales department to manage customer credit and with customer service departments to resolve billing disputes.
  • Finance Manager: Reports to the CFO or top executive management and collaborates with various department heads across the company to ensure financial strategies align with overall business goals.

Key Skills of the Accounts Receivable Manager

An accounts receivable manager needs a blend of technical, analytical, and interpersonal skills to effectively manage the accounts receivable function and contribute to the financial health of a company. Key skills include:

  • Financial Analysis and Management: Proficiency in understanding and managing financial statements, specifically relating to accounts receivable. This includes the ability to analyze customer creditworthiness, assess financial risks, and understand the impact of receivables on the company’s financial position.
  • Attention to Detail: Accuracy in managing billing, invoicing, and payment processing. These skills are crucial for ensuring that financial records are accurate and transactions are correctly recorded and reconciled.
  • Communication: Strong verbal and written communication skills are essential for negotiating with customers, resolving disputes, and explaining billing inquiries. Additionally, effective communication within the team and across departments is key to resolving issues and ensuring smooth operations.
  • Organizational and Time Management: The ability to prioritize tasks, manage a high volume of accounts, and meet deadlines is critical. An Accounts Receivable Manager must efficiently organize their workload and their team to ensure timely collections and reporting.
  • Leadership: Leading and motivating a team requires strong leadership skills. This includes the ability to delegate tasks, mentor team members, provide constructive feedback, and drive the team towards achieving targets and improving the accounts receivable process.
  • Problem-solving: The role often involves resolving disputes, handling customer complaints, and finding solutions to complex billing issues. Being able to think critically and creatively to solve problems is vital.
  • Technological Proficiency: Knowledge of accounting software, ERP systems, and other financial management tools is essential. Familiarity with data analysis tools and the ability to leverage technology for efficient accounts receivable management is also important.
  • Negotiation and Persuasion: Negotiation skills are crucial for dealing with late payments and settling disputes. An Accounts Receivable Manager must be persuasive yet diplomatic in encouraging customers to meet their payment obligations.
  • Regulatory Knowledge: Understanding relevant financial regulations, accounting standards, and compliance requirements related to credit and collections is important for ensuring that the company’s practices are legally compliant.
  • Customer Service Orientation: Despite being in a finance-focused role, having a customer service mindset helps in managing relationships positively, even in situations involving overdue payments or financial disagreements.

The accounts receivable manager plays a crucial role in any business, ensuring efficient tracking, billing, and collection of money owed by customers to the company. Along with handling incoming cash, their focus is on building strong customer relationships, even in challenging financial situations. Their role involves a mix of number crunching, team leadership, and problem-solving, ensuring the company stays financially healthy. By managing the flow of money coming in, they help the business keep its operations smooth and pave the way for future growth. In short, they’re the guardians of the company’s cash flow, ensuring that sales turn into actual money in the bank.

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