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What is Invoice Discounting?

V Sudhakshina
March 7, 2024
Design By:
Dhanush R

Invoice Discounting Definition

Invoice discounting is a financial arrangement where a business sells its invoices to a third party (often a financial institution or an invoice discounting company) at a discount to their nominal value. 

Purpose of Invoice Discounting

Invoice discounting allows you to address cash flow problems by unlocking cash tied up in your unpaid invoices. Instead of waiting for your customers to pay within their credit terms, you sell your invoices at a discount to a third party, often a financial institution. This way, you get most of the invoice payment upfront. Here's how invoice discounting can help your business:

  • Boosts Cash Flow: It provides immediate access to funds, crucial for covering daily operations, replenishing stock, or even taking advantage of new business opportunities that require quick cash outlay.
  • Maintain Customer Relationship: Since you continue to manage your sales ledger and collect payments from your customers, your relationships remain unaffected. The financial arrangement is confidential, and customers aren't aware that you are using invoice discounting, keeping your financial arrangements confidential.
  • Avoids Debt: Unlike a business loan, invoice discounting doesn't incur debt. You are simply receiving an advance on money owed. It helps in maintaining or improving your balance sheet and offers bad debt protection.
  • Flexibility: Invoice discounting offers flexibility. You can choose which invoices to discount and when, giving you control over how much cash you want to inject into your business at any given time.

Understanding Invoice Discounting in Accounts Receivable

Invoice discounting has a direct impact on your receivables. It temporarily reduces them in exchange for immediate cash, then adjusting it once your customers pay their invoices. It ensures you have the funds needed for operations, growth, or investments without waiting for customers to pay their invoices.

When you engage in invoice discounting, you're essentially using your accounts receivable, the money customers owe you, as collateral to get immediate cash flow. It impacts your receivable ledger by converting a portion of your outstanding invoices into immediate cash, without waiting for your customers to pay according to their credit terms. Here's how the process affects your receivable ledger:

  • Immediate Cash Entry: Your cash balance increases after receiving an advance from the invoice discounting provider. This advance is typically a significant percentage of the invoice value, such as 70% to 90%.
  • Reduction in Outstanding Receivables: Although the physical entry in your receivable ledger might not change immediately (since the invoice is still outstanding from your customer's perspective), the value of your outstanding receivables decreases by the amount of the advance. The advance represents a portion of the invoice value received.
  • Adjustment upon Customer Payment: When your customer pays the invoice, the payment goes to the invoice discounting provider (either directly into a control account or passed through by you). The provider then allocates this payment to settle the advanced amount plus any fees and interest. Only then is the invoice is marked as paid in your receivable ledger, and any residual amount (the portion of the invoice not advanced initially plus the invoice payment exceeding the advance and fees) is forwarded to you.
  • Fees and Interest: The cost of the service, including any fees and interest charged by the invoice discounting provider, needs to be accounted for separately in your financial statements, potentially as financial expenses. These costs reduce the net benefit from the invoice discounting but don't directly impact the recorded value of receivables except for cash flow effects.

How does Invoice Discounting Work?

Invoice discounting works through a series of straightforward steps that turn your outstanding invoices into immediate cash, enhancing your cash flow without waiting for your customers to pay according to their usual terms.

  • Sell Your Invoice: First, you sell your outstanding invoice to a financial institution or an invoice discounting company. These are invoices for sales you've already made but haven't been paid for yet by your customers.
  • Receive an Advance: Once you sell these invoices, the discounting company gives you a large percentage of their total value upfront, usually between 70% to 90%. This cash injection is immediate, significantly improving your cash flow.
  • Continue Business as Usual: You can still manage your sales ledger even after selling the invoices. It means you're responsible for chasing up payments and dealing with your customers as if nothing has changed. The confidentiality of this arrangement ensures that your customers are unaware of the discounted invoices.
  • Customer Pays: When your customer pays the invoice, they pay it in full to a special account set up by the discounting company. This is often a trust account in your name, but controlled by the financier.
  • Settle the Balance: After your customer pays, the discounting company gives you the remaining balance of the invoice, minus their fees and any interest charged on the advance. This fee structure is the cost of accessing your funds early and the service provided by the discounting company.

By using invoice discounting, you effectively use your sales ledger as a collateral to improve your liquidity without waiting for your customers to pay their invoices. This strategy is useful for businesses that need to fill gaps in cash flow but want to avoid taking on new debt or diluting equity. It's a financial tool that lets you leverage your outstanding invoice for immediate operational needs.

Steps to Implement Invoice Discounting

Implementing invoice discounting involves a structured process to ensure you effectively leverage your outstanding invoices for improved cash flow. Here are the steps you should follow:

Evaluate Your Needs

Assess your cash flow requirements and determine whether invoice discounting aligns with your business's financial strategy. Consider your sales volume, the creditworthiness of your customers, and your ability to manage accounts receivables.

Select a Provider

Research and compare various invoice discounting providers, including banks and specialized financial institutions. Check for competitive rates, service fees, and terms that match your business needs. Consider the provider's reputation, customer service, and the flexibility of their offerings.

Prepare Your Documentation

Gather necessary financial documents, including detailed information on your accounts receivable, business financial statements, and customer information. Providers will use this information to assess your eligibility and the terms of the discounting arrangement.

Submit an Application

Apply to the selected invoice discounting provider with your prepared documentation. The application process may also include a detailed review of your business operations, credit history, and the creditworthiness of your customers.

Negotiate Terms

Once approved, you'll negotiate the terms of the invoice discounting agreement. The improtant terms can include advance rate (percentage of the invoice value you'll receive upfront), the discount fee (the cost for the service), and any additional charges or fees.

Set Up Processes

Work with the provider to set up the necessary processes. It includes arrangements for invoice submission, details on making the advance payments, and the process for settling the remaining invoice amount once your customers pay.

Start Discounting Invoices

With everything in place, you can start submitting invoices for discounting according to the terms of your agreement. Ensure that your invoicing and accounts receivable processes are aligned with the requirements of the invoice discounting arrangement.

Manage Collections

Continue to manage your sales ledger and collect customer payments. Payments are directed to a bank account controlled by the discounting provider, which settles the advanced amount and any fees before passing the remainder back to you.

Regular Reconciliation

Regularly reconcile the amounts advanced and collected with your own records. It helps maintain accurate financial statements and ensure the invoice discounting arrangement is working as intended for your business.

Advantages of Invoice Discounting

Invoice discounting offers several key advantages to improve a business's financial health. It provides a practical, flexible, and confidential way to improve your cash flow, maintain customer relationships, and manage your business finances without the burden of additional debt. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Immediate Cash Flow Improvement: You get quick access to funds tied up in your unpaid invoices, often within 24 hours. This immediate liquidity helps you cover operational costs, fulfill new orders, or invest in growth opportunities without waiting for customers to pay.
  • Confidentiality Maintained: Unlike other forms of financing, your customers won't know you're using invoice discounting. You continue to handle your own invoicing and collections, preserving your established customer relationships and keeping your financial arrangements private.
  • Avoid Additional Debt: Because you're essentially using your own invoices as collateral for financing, you're not taking on traditional debt. It can be a good alternative if you're concerned about increasing your company's debt levels or affecting your balance sheet negatively.
  • Flexibility and Control: You choose which invoices to discount and how often to use the service, giving you control over how much cash you inject into your business at any time. This flexibility allows you to manage your cash flow more effectively according to your needs.
  • Saves Time and Resources: Managing cash flow can be time-consuming and stressful. By using invoice discounting, you can focus more of your time and resources on core business activities, knowing that your cash flow needs are being addressed.
  • Easier to Obtain Than Traditional Loans: Since the financing is based on the creditworthiness of your customers, not just your business, it can be easier to qualify for invoice discounting compared to traditional loans. It is particularly beneficial for SMEs or businesses with a limited credit history.
  • Scalable with Your Business: The amount of funding you can access through invoice discounting grows with your sales. As your business expands and you issue more or larger invoices, the amount of cash you can immediately access also increases, making it a scalable solution that adjusts to your business's growth.

Who Can Use Invoice Discounting?

Invoice discounting is undertaken by businesses across various industries that sell goods or services on credit terms to their customers. Its appeal lies in its flexibility, confidentiality, and the immediate liquidity it offers, making it a viable financial tool for managing working capital and fostering growth. 

SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)

These businesses often operate with tighter cash flow margins and may not have extensive access to traditional banking facilities or loans. Invoice discounting provides a quick and relatively easy way to access cash tied up in outstanding invoices.

Fast-Growing Companies

Businesses experiencing rapid growth may find that their cash flow can't keep up with their expansion activities. Invoice discounting can provide the necessary cash to sustain growth without diluting ownership through equity financing.

Companies with Seasonal Sales Cycles

Businesses that experience significant fluctuations in sales due to seasonal demand may use invoice discounting to smooth out their cash flow, ensuring they have enough working capital to cover off-peak periods.

Businesses with Long Payment Term

Companies operting in industries where long payment terms are standard (such as manufacturing, wholesale, and B2B services) often use invoice discounting to bridge the gap between issuing invoices and receiving payments.

Firms Seeking Confidential Financing

Unlike factoring, where the factoring company takes over the collection process, invoice discounting allows businesses to retain control over their sales ledger and customer interactions. makes it an attractive option for businesses that wish to keep their financing arrangements confidential from their customers.

Companies with Strong Credit Control Processes

Since businesses remain responsible for collecting payments from their customers in an invoice discounting arrangement, it's most suitable for those with effective credit management and collection processes in place.


What is the difference between invoice discounting and invoice factoring?

Invoice discounting and invoice factoring both provide you with advance payments on your outstanding invoices, but they differ in key areas. With invoice discounting, you maintain control of your sales ledger and collection processes, keeping the arrangement confidential from your customers. In contrast, invoice factoring involves selling your invoices to a factoring company, which then takes over the responsibility of collecting payments from your customers, and making the arrangement known to them. Factoring offers additional services like credit control and ledger management, which can be beneficial if you prefer to outsource these tasks.

What is the difference between invoice discounting and bill discounting?

Invoice discounting and bill discounting both provide you with immediate cash by advancing funds against your sales, but they differ in their application and context. Invoice discounting is used when you sell goods or services on credit, and you receive an advance based on the invoice value while maintaining responsibility for collecting payment from your customers. Bill discounting, often used in international trade, involves the discounting of a bill of exchange - a negotiable instrument that guarantees payment at a future date. Here, the focus is more on short-term financial instruments than on your sales invoices directly.

What is Invoice Financing?

Invoice finance encompasses financial services allowing you to use your outstanding invoices to secure immediate cash flow. Invoice discounting falls under this umbrella, offering you a way to receive most of the value of your invoices upfront while maintaining responsibility for collecting payments from your customers. Essentially, invoice finance improves your liquidity by advancing funds against your unpaid invoices, with invoice discounting being a discrete option that keeps the arrangement confidential from your customers.

Who is an invoice discounting provider?

An invoice discounting provider is a financial institution, including a bank or a specialized financing company, that offers invoice discounting services to businesses. These providers advance a portion of the value of your outstanding invoices, giving you immediate access to funds that would otherwise be tied up until your customers pay their invoices. The provider charges fees and interest for this service, and you retain responsibility for managing your sales ledger and collecting payments from your customers.

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V Sudhakshina
Senior Content Marketer
Journalist turned content marketer, I love to explore and write about groundbreaking B2B tech. Off the clock, you can catch me enjoying retro tunes or immersing in the pages of timeless classics.