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What is Revenue Recognition?

Adithya Siva
February 7, 2024
Design By:
Dhanush R

Revenue Recognition Definition

The accounting principle of revenue recognition dictates when companies should earn and report revenue in the financial statements. Companies must recognize revenue when it is and measurable, which happens when they deliver goods or provide services to the customer, regardless of when they actually receive payment. 

Accurate revenue recognition ensures that a company’s financial statements reflect its financial performance by matching revenue with expenses.

ASC 606 Revenue Recognition vs. IFRS 15

ASC 606 and IFRS 15 both set out the principles for recognizing revenue from a customer contract, aiming to improve consistency, comparability, and transparency across financial statements globally. 

Despite originating from different standard-setting bodies—the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) for ASC 606 in the United States and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) for IFRS 15—these standards share a core principle. They state that an entity should recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services.

The distinct regulatory and reporting environments in which they operate drive minor differences in the application and guidance on specific transactions between the Accounting Standards Codification and IFRS, despite their close alignment. 

However, these differences do not overshadow the standards’ shared goal: to standardize revenue recognition practices across all industries and countries, enhancing the comparability of financial information for users worldwide. 

Through detailed application guidance and disclosure requirements, both standards ensure entities provide financial statements with comprehensive insights into the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flow

GAAP and Revenue Recognition

Within the Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP), revenue recognition dictates how and when revenue recognition happens in the financial statements. 

Introducing ASC 606, “Customer Contract Revenue” marked a significant evolution in GAAP’s approach to revenue recognition. This standard established a uniform framework for recognizing revenue across all industries, replacing many industry-specific guidelines. 

IFRS 15 Revenue Recognition Method

The International Financial Reporting Standard 15 revenue recognition methods work by applying specific criteria to determine when a company should record revenue in its financial statements. The core revenue recognition principle that is recognized when the transfer of goods or services to the customer happens guides these criteria, showing that the company has fulfilled the performance obligation under the contract. 

The revenue recognition process involves several steps:

  1. Identify the contract with a customer: A company first identifies an agreement that creates enforceable rights and obligation regarding the sale of goods or services.
  2. Identify performance obligation in the contract: The company determines what goods or services it must deliver to fulfill the contract.
  3. Determine the transaction price: The company calculates the amount of consideration it expects to receive in exchange for transferring the goods or services to the customer.
  4. Allocate the transaction price to performance obligation in the contract: If it includes multiple performance obligations, the company allocates the transaction price to each performance obligation based on its standalone selling price.
  5. Recognize revenue when (or as) the company satisfies a performance obligation: Revenue recognition takes place when the company completes a performance obligation by transferring the promised good or service to the customer. The transfer occurs when the customer gains control of the good or service.

Revenue Recognition Examples

Revenue recognition practices vary across industries, reflecting differences in how companies earn and realize revenue. Here are examples from a few industries, including SaaS, to illustrate how revenue recognition principles apply in diverse contexts:

Software as a Service

A SaaS company enters a subscription agreement providing customers access to its software over a period. The company recognizes revenue from the subscription period as it satisfies its performance obligation of providing continuous access (most follow a subscription billing model) to the software. If the contract includes additional services like customization or training, the company allocates some transaction price to these. 


In the retail industry, the company recognizes revenue at the point of sale when they transfer control of the goods to the customer, usually when the customer pays for and receives the product. If the customer assumes the risks and rewards of ownership upon shipment, the company will recognize revenue for online sales.


Construction companies often use the percentage-of-completion method for long-term contracts. Companies often use the percentage-of-completion method to recognize revenue based on the progress towards completion of the project. This progress can be measured by costs incurred, labor hours worked, or units delivered. This method matches revenue with completion and costs incurred, providing a more accurate picture of financial performance over the period.

Real Estate

Revenue recognition in real estate depends on whether the sale meets specific criteria for transferring control to the buyer. Here, revenue recognition happens when significant risks and rewards of ownership are transferred, which could be at the point of signing a sales agreement or at closing when a legal title passes to the buyer. For developers offering financing, revenue will be recognized over time as payments are made.


Hospitals and healthcare providers recognize revenue at the time services are rendered. The transaction price can be complex to determine because of factors like insurance contracts, government reimbursements, and patient self-pay portions. The revenue is recognized based on the estimated consideration to be received for the services provided.


Manufacturers recognize revenue when control of the goods is transferred to the customer, which can vary based on the terms of sale (e.g., shipping point or destination point). If a sale includes multiple performance obligations, such as the product plus a maintenance service, the company allocates the transaction price to each obligation based on its standalone selling price, and recognizes revenue as each obligation is complete.

Each of these examples shows the application of core revenue recognition principles, tailored to the specifics of the industry and the nature of the transactions involved.

Revenue Recognition Benefits

Revenue recognition offers many benefits to both companies and their stakeholders. It enhances the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting, providing a clearer picture of a company’s financial health and operational performance. 

  • Comparability: This practice improves comparability across companies and industries. With standardized criteria for revenue recognition, investors and analysts can more easily compare financial performance across distinct entities, even if they operate in diverse sectors. This aids in making more informed investment decisions.
  • Decision-Making: Revenue recognition principles help in better decision-making within companies. By aligning revenue with the associated costs, management can assess the profitability of specific products, services, or projects more accurately. This insight is crucial for strategic planning, budgeting, financial modeling, and forecasting, enabling companies to allocate resources more efficiently.
  • Compliance and Governance: Revenue recognition also plays a vital role in compliance and governance. Adhering to the accounting standard helps companies avoid regulatory scrutiny and potential legal issues associated with financial reporting. This not only protects the company’s reputation but also builds trust among investors, creditors, and other stakeholders.
  • Revenue Forecasting: Revenue forecasting includes the detailed disclosures required by the revenue recognition standard provide transparency into a company’s revenue streams, performance obligations, and how it manages contract modification with customers. Such transparency ensures that stakeholders have a comprehensive understanding of the company’s revenue generation processes and are better positioned for cash flow forecasting and gauge profitability.
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Adithya Siva
Product Marketing Manager
Passionate about everything content. A reasonably able copy editor too. Outside work, you can find me sipping on coffee, watching NBA, gaming, or reading books (not all at the same time).