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What is a Write Off?

What is a Write Off?

Write Off Definition

A “write off” is recording an expense as having no value. In business and finance, it is the deduction of certain expenses from taxable income and can also apply to uncollectible invoices.

Companies ranging in size from small businesses to larger companies deal with write offs. 

There are different write offs, and they can vary for all companies, be it a small business or a large enterprise. 

Write Off Types

Tax Write Off 

A business deducts certain expenses from its income (using the actual expense method) before calculating dues for the tax year. These deductible expenses include business-related expenses (credit card or vehicle expenses, for example), asset depreciation, and investment losses.

How it Works

For example, if a business has $100,000 in revenue and $20,000 in deductible expenses, its taxable income becomes $80,000. By strategically utilizing write offs for eligible expenses, businesses can significantly reduce their overall tax bill. There's also self employment tax. Under this, self-employed individuals can write off their health insurance premiums as a tax deduction.

Note: Credit Karma provides tools that help users understand tax write offs to maximize their refunds or reduce tax liabilities. 

Bad Debt Write Off 

A small business owner, for example, will write off a debt as uncollectible if they believe they won't be able to collect payment from a customer or a doubtful account. This is referred to as a "bad debt expense."

How it Works

For instance, if a business had expected to receive $5,000 from a customer but determines it won't be paid, it can write off that $5,000 as a loss.

Asset Write Off 

When an asset's value has significantly declined, a business can choose to write off a portion or the entire value of that asset. This is because of obsolescence, damage, or other reasons that render the asset unusable. 

How it Works

For example, if a company has machinery in its stored inventory with a book value of $10,000 and decides it's no longer functional, it can write off the entire $10,000 as an expense. The Section 179 deduction allows businesses to write off the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and software purchased or financed during the tax year, reducing their taxable income significantly.

Inventory Write Off 

If a company has an obsolete or damaged inventory that cannot be sold, it can be written off to account for the loss in value.

How it Works

Suppose a retailer has $50,000 of damaged goods that can't be sold. Writing off this inventory reduces the reported income by $50,000.

Charitable Donation Write Off 

Individuals and businesses can be tax deduction eligible for charitable donations. The donation is deducted from their taxable income.

How it Works

For instance, if an individual donates $1,000 to a qualified charitable organization, they can reduce their taxable income by $1,000. 

In all these cases, a write off reduces the income or assets subject to taxation, helping individuals and businesses manage their tax liabilities. 

Note: It's important to adhere to applicable tax laws and regulations, and expense or loss documentation is required to support these write offs. Consulting with a tax professional or accountant is advisable to ensure compliance with tax laws and to maximize eligible deductions.

What is a tax credit? 

The tax credit, an important concept in tax preparation, is a direct reduction in the income tax a person or business owes to the government. Unlike deductions, which reduce the taxpayer's taxable income, tax credits directly reduce tax liability, providing a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the total owed. 

Note: An IRS publication provides detailed guidance on documenting and writing off business expenses according to federal tax laws.

Write Off vs. Write Down

A "write off" and a "write-down" are both accounting practices, but they represent different concepts and are applied in distinct situations.

A write off refers to removing asset or liability from a company's balance sheet. This occurs when the asset is deemed to have no remaining value, or the liability is no longer valid. For example, a business could write off a bad debt when a customer cannot repay their outstanding balance. Here, the write-off acknowledges the loss and adjusts the financial statements to reflect the realistic asset or liability value.

A write down involves reducing an asset's book value to reflect a decline in its market value. A write-down acknowledges that the asset still holds some value, but less than what is stated in the books. 

Companies perform write-downs on assets like inventory, investments, or intangible assets when there is impairment or a decline in value. 

For instance, if a company holds inventory that is no longer marketable at its original cost, a write-down adjusts the inventory value to its lower, more realistic market value.

Write Off Impact

Tax Write Off 

A tax write off causes a positive cash flow impact. A business can lower its tax liability (business tax deduction) by deducting eligible expenses from taxable income. This results in increased cash availability and tax return. 

The additional cash can be used for different purposes like making investments, reducing debt, or addressing operational needs. Tax write offs contribute to overall tax savings for companies. The Internal Revenue Service allows companies to write off bad debts on their tax returns.

Bad Debt Write Off 

When a business writes off a bad debt, it experiences immediate relief from the financial burden associated with accounts receivable. The company can accurately reflect its financial standing and make informed decisions by recognizing these unpaid receivables as expenses. 

Asset Write Off 

The impact of writing off an asset lies in its diminished value. This allows the business to reflect assets on financial statements. While this can cause a decrease in reported value, it aligns with recognizing an asset that is no longer useful or has significantly depreciated.

Inventory Write Off

Writing off unsellable or obsolete inventory has a dual impact. First, it reduces taxable income, potentially leading to tax savings for the business. Second, it improves financial reporting by reflecting a realistic inventory value. This change contributes to better decision-making and financial transparency.

Charitable Donation Write-Off 

Individuals and businesses making charitable contributions benefit from tax deductions, representing a significant impact. Donors can lower their overall tax liability by deducting donations from taxable income. 

What is a Deduction?

Deduction and write off are terms used interchangeably in financial contexts, but it's important to note that "deductions" refer to expenses that can be subtracted from taxable income to calculate taxable liability, while "write offs" encompass broader scenarios where an asset or expense has no value. 

Business Expense Deduction

Companies can deduct ordinary and necessary operating expenses such as rent, utilities, employee wages, and office supplies for business purpose. An expense related to business use, including lodging, mileage (car expense, business mile expense), and meals, can also be a deductible business expense.

Standard Deduction

A standard deduction is a fixed value that gets subtracted from their adjusted gross income when determining their taxable income. Standard deduction aims to reduce income for tax purpose. Instead of itemizing individual deductions, such as medical expenses, mortgage interest, and charitable contributions, eligible taxpayers can take the standard deduction.

Itemized Deduction

Businesses can deduct the COGS, which includes the expenses directly associated with producing or purchasing goods for sale.

Home Office Deduction

A home office deduction is a tax benefit available to individuals who use their home for business. This deduction allows eligible taxpayers to deduct certain expenses associated with the business use of their home, reducing their taxable income.


1) What do you mean by write-off?

A write-off is when a business recognizes that an asset has lost its value and records that loss in its accounts. This adjustment reduces the company's income on its financial statements. 

2) What is an example of a write-off?

If a company realizes that equipment it owns can no longer be used or sold, it records this loss as a write-off in its financial statements. This action reduces the company’s overall value and income reported for that year.

3) What does it mean when you can write-off?

When you can write-off, it means you are allowed to deduct certain expenses or losses from your taxable income, reducing the amount of tax you owe. 

4) Is it written off or write-off?

"Write-off" is a noun referring to the act of deducting an amount or declaring something as a loss. "Written off" is the past participle used to describe something that has been deducted or declared as a loss.

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